How to Start Exercising and Not Stop


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I do most of my “work” sitting in a chair. I’ve done this for several years and I’m already seeing the side effects that sitting for long periods of time can do to your body. My hamstrings are extremely tight and my legs are not flexible at all. Today’s post is for anyone that wants to workout, but struggles with being able to stick with it. I try to do some type of physical movements 2 to 3 days a week.

1. Morning vs Afternoon

I’ve tried both and it just really just depends on the person. Here are the benefits that I’ve noticed from working out in the morning and in the afternoon.


If you decide to go in the morning, you make sure that you do it and get it over with. There’s also a huge satisfaction that comes from knowing that you’ve already done your workout before anything else. The only problem that I have with working out in the afternoon is that some days, I put it off and end up not doing it at all. Whereas in the morning, I do it first and there is no putting it off.


The biggest thing that I notice from working out in the afternoon is that I sleep better. People who struggle with going to bed usually still have a lot of energy that they haven’t let out during the day. Which is why they’re wide awake at night. Working out in the afternoon burns that energy. By the time you go to bed, you’re ready to go and you pretty much instantly fall asleep.

2. Alone vs Groups

Some people have to have a support group. They need a drill sergeant. Someone to tell them what to do in order for them to do it. Other people are more self disciplined and they’re able to go alone and stick with it. The biggest thing is to know which type of person you are. If you are the type that needs a group then it makes sense for you to hire a personal trainer or to find a workout buddy. As someone who does their workouts alone, my only problem with workout buddies is that the people who need groups are not very dependable. Hence why they need a group to motivate them. Which is why it makes sense to learn how to workout alone. You can still have people you go with, but if they don’t show up, you’re still able to do everything on your own.

3. Don’t Burn Yourself Out (2 to 3 Days)

Some people have addictive personalities and go extreme anytime they start something new. While the idea of starting may sound exciting, remember to fight the urge of going all out. Remember, this is a lifestyle change. You gotta set up a routine that you can stick with. Not something that you’re going to get tired of doing after one month. Many make the mistake of working out all the time and not letting their body have a chance to rest. What you eat and how much sleep is just as important as working out. So find a happy medium. I either do something Monday,Wednesday, and Friday or Tuesday and Thursday. This allows me to have days between where I can let my body recover. If not, you’ll run into the problem of constantly breaking the body down.

4. Start Walking

Probably the most underrated exercise is walking. Whether it’s walking or riding a bicycle, any type of cardio is great for your health. Some people forget that the heart is a muscle too. Making sure that you have a healthy heart should be your number one goal before anything else. You’ll build up your endurance and be able to do more without getting tired so easily. Walking is also a great time for you to think to yourself.


For me, exercising is a huge stress reliever. It’s the main reason why I’m not an angry person. I get to release my frustations out physically through something that’s good for me. Find out what time is best for you. Decide whether or not you can do it alone or need a support group. And if you don’t do anything, at least try to walk more. Knowing yourself and being able to make it a part of your daily routine is the best way to make sure that you don’t stop exercising.

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